Mark Nyholm

Mark Nyholm, Mechanical Engineer—Product Mgr., Heavy Duty, Amsoil

Tech Tip: How to reduce oil consumption in diesel engines

Aug. 15, 2015
Try closing up the gap with a thicker oil, which will provide great engine protection as well as help reduce consumption.
Mark Nyholm, Mechanical Engineer—Product Mgr., Heavy Duty, Amsoil

Tech Tip: How to properly store grease cartridges to reduce the chances of your grease gun getting air bound

Aug. 3, 2015
Recommended grease cartridge storage is upright standing on the aluminum tab end.
Mark Nyholm, Mechanical Engineer—Product Mgr., Heavy Duty, Amsoil
Fluids & Chemicals

Ask the Expert: Why do so many diesel engine OEMs not recommend the use of diesel fuel additives?

Aug. 3, 2015
If you consult your owner’s manual, many times you will read that the OEM does not recommend the use of supplemental diesel fuel additives.