Wade Vonasek

Assistant Editor
Phone: 920-568-8399
Depending on the situation, an organization may be better off investing capital in other areas of its business that generate a higher return instead of investing in a depreciating asset like a truck.
Shop Management

Is It Better To Lease Or Buy Vehicles?

Oct. 22, 2012
The answer boils down to each company’s individual needs
Fleet Aug12ld Atf Transmissio 10746052
Fluids & Chemicals

Why selection of the appropriate ATF is essential

Aug. 13, 2012
Automatic transmission fluids (ATF) are complex lubricants that perform a variety of functions in today's engines.
Btb Kinney Main 10741408
Shop Equipment

Big-Time Boxes: James Kinney

Aug. 7, 2012
Technician started his Matco system with two MB8525DB boxes.