Chad Christiansen

Chad Christiansen has a decade of experience in the cooperative energy business with a background in agriculture and natural resource management. He started his career in sales with CHS and has experience in the cooperative system. Chad is technical expert and product specialist for Cenex Premium Diesel, TOP TIER gasoline and E15 fuels. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Kansas State University and has worked with CHS since 2009.

Diesel Warm Up Lg
Shifting Gears

Should diesel engines be warmed up?

Nov. 2, 2021
Is your engine underperforming? A Cenex expert shares how a diesel engine compression test could provide the diagnosis.
20210226 Glencoe Ruby Fieldmaster 12
Shifting Gears

Is it time for a diesel engine compression test?

Sept. 27, 2021
Is your engine underperforming? Our expert shares how a diesel engine compression test could provide the diagnosis.