My mind is spinning, thanks to all the wonderful comments and suggestions I’ve received since the launch of the blog. Please don’t be shy, feel free to comment anytime.
The SuperTech Steering Committee (STSC for ease of use) had a teleconference this week. Early on in the discussion of SuperTech, one of the members pointed out that we should try to have the competition in a central location. For those of you not familiar with our fine state’s geography, Omaha and Lincoln are considered to be in the eastern part of the state. There are a lot more technicians in the western part of the state, and we want them involved.
Fortunately, Kelly Christensen at Central Community College in Hastings stepped up to the plate and hit a SuperTech homerun. Christensen is the associate dean of instruction for trades and industry at Central, and as luck would have it, the campus has a brand-new, state-of-the-art instruction facility for its diesel and truck driving programs. It was a match made in Heaven- a central Nebraska location with enough space to host the first Nebraska SuperTech competition. Christensen is also serving on the committee.
The STSC has divided itself into sub-committees, based on TMC’s fabulous “How to Host a Technician Skills Competition.” I’ve marked that manual up so many times; I had to print a second copy. We have three sub-committees: “Competition Directors,” responsible for logistical organization of the skills stations and contest preparation; “Rules & Judges Directors,” responsible for recruiting volunteers and running the judging table; and “Publicity, Promotions & Sponsorship Directors,” who will focus on promoting the event to fleets, dealers and vendors.
It’s been a busy month for Nebraska SuperTech. As we head into the New Year, I know it will only get busier. I’m looking forward to TMC’s Annual Meeting in February where I can solicit help from many of you!