From an outsider’s perspective, it may be easy to think SuperTech is just a frivolous, expensive idea. But as I’ve learned from many Technology and Maintenance Council members, this is absolutely incorrect.
In a conversation I recently had with Nebraska Trucking Association president Larry Johnson, he mentioned how excited he was to have the competition in the state. He said it’s a great way to highlight the professional skills of our hardworking technicians in Nebraska, and definitely long overdue.
But what else can it add to your company? From a recruiting and retention standpoint, a lot.
Instead of focusing on mistakes our technicians make, we are now rewarding them for the hard work they do. Technicians are increasing their abilities by tackling new tasks at the competition. Some companies choose to have internal competitions to add even more incentive. This can even help with training, because you can focus on certain areas.
From a recruiting standpoint, think about those who are not currently in the industry and how they can be involved with the competition. In Nebraska, we are planning to invite students from the local community colleges to help serve as volunteers during SuperTech. Additionally, we have invited the people from the local community as well as local media.
There are many reasons why SuperTech is great, and we’re looking forward to having it in Nebraska. It’s about time we give our technicians the recognition they deserve!