This past week, many of the members of the SuperTech Steering Committee traveled up to Norfolk, Neb., for the annual Nebraska Skills USA competition. I want to tip my virtual hat to the high school and college students who participated this year. There were over 40 students.
Students pursuing a career in diesel technology competed in 12 different skills stations this year. Even though these students are not professional technicians, they still attempted to tackle scenarios we would give to real-world professional technicians.
Hopefully, after a few years working as a successful technician in Nebraska, these students will have the chance to compete in a state SuperTech competition. And isn’t that our goal- to create talent from a younger age? I think we’re even creating a new recruiting and retention tool.
Again, I couldn’t be prouder of the students who took the time to compete. Many of them approached the judges afterward to learn more about things they could’ve done better. It gives me a lot of hope for these future super techs!