It's getting to be that time of year again--the time when many state fleet maintenance councils and individual companies host their technician competitions. If you follow Fleet Maintenance at all, then you know that we do a lot of reporting on state and company technician skills competitions, not to mention the national TMC SuperTech competition. A few years ago, this kind of event rarely made headlines; today it's all the rage, and we'd like to think we've played a small role in raising awareness of these efforts to recognize and reward the best and brightest in our industry. But we know we aren't covering every event. Some of you may have company contests that no one outside your company has ever heard of. If so, we'd like to hear about it! How long has your company been holding tech competitions? Who have the winners been? If you think they deserve some public recognition, send us their names. Let's make sure that the real heroes of this industry get the kudos they deserve!