Thirty technicians across the state of Nebraska are sitting on pins and needles waiting to see if they will compete in the hands-on round of the Nebraska SuperTech competition in Hastings, Neb., on July 8. Fortunately, they only have to wait seven more days!
In the meantime, the SuperTech Steering Committee is still keeping busy. Some of us may have erroneously thought we could sit and relax after the written test was over, but instead, there is much more work to do. We are actively seeking sponsorships, and have secured about half of the required funds. Hotel reservations have been made for the yet-unnamed Nebraska SuperTech and we’re working with multiple vendors who have helped us along the way.
Many of the most helpful vendors represent companies that are already very active in SuperTech: folks from ConMet, Haldex, Mitchell1, ArvinMeritor and Michelin, to name a few. It amazes all of us working on SuperTech how willing the vendors are to take on yet another competition.
Next week, I'll report back on the 16 technicians who will be competing in Hastings for the final round!