Only one week to go! To say that the SuperTech Steering Committee is running around like crazy would be an understatement. There are a lot of little loose ends that still need to be tied up. We’re finalizing catering menus, making sure the news media is aware of our event, sending out maps, sending e-mail reminders- all little things to get people excited for the inaugural SuperTech competition.
Just last week, during a break in the SuperTech action, I had the opportunity to travel to the national SkillsUSA competition to observe two young Nebraskans in action- Billy Dukat and David Miller. Billy and David are both students in Metropolitan Community College’s Diesel Technology Program. Even though they didn’t bring home a medal, it gave me great pride for both SkillsUSA and SuperTech- both are great industry events that acknowledge our hard-working technicians. It gives me so much hope for the future of the industry.
One week from today, we’ll be underway in Hastings, Nebraska! Be sure to check back for a full report in two weeks.