While surfing the web earlier today, I came across a story "broken" in North America by Today’s Trucking Magazine. The story was about a strong-willed, but not too common-sensed trucker in Shandong, China.
This trucker was so determined to deliver his load on time that he drove his rig with a piece of cardboard where his windshield was supposed to be.
He got about 400 miles before the police stopped him.
The driver explained that he had been in an accident in Hubei province a few days earlier, but was under such time constraints that he didn’t have time to do a proper repair job.
According to the China News Network, the trucker was almost blue from cold when they pulled him over. He told the police he had to stick his head out the window to see where he was going.
"I would drive like that until my neck got too sore and numb when I would drive by looking through the little holes in the cardboard," the trucker was quoted as saying.
I give this truckers an A+ for resourcefulness, but an F- for safety.