The June issue of Fleet Maintenance contained the article: 2010 EPA Engine Update: The engines are performing well but there are a few issues.
In response to that article I received an e-mail from Anthony Crespo, who said the article did not address several matters.
Here is an extract from his e-mail:
I am a diesel instructor and have been fortunate enough to travel the country providing training to vehicle technicians at governmental agencies like DOTs, cities and counties and at electric and gas companies.
Their fleets have two unfortunate things in common: high idle time and extremely high consumption of DEF (diesel exhaust fluid) for those who have decided to go with SCR (selective catalytic reduction) equipment.
One issue that I have come across is DEF being put into fuel tanks and taking out injectors and high pressure pumps.
The most common complaint by far, however, is: “We can't keep enough DEF on hand for our trucks.”
I have heard this over and over again across the country and I think it’s kind of funny that you aren’t seeing or hearing anything about this.
Also, are you aware that if a body company has to alter the length of the SCR system’s lines the vehicle has to be recertified by the engine manufacturer? This is what I was told at a seminar I recently attended.
We at Fleet Maintenance always appreciate hearing from our readers, and we thank thanks for taking the time and effort to write us.
I welcome your experiences, thoughts and comments as well.