I enjoy participating in press events, especially those that have time scheduled for networking and socializing.
Such occasions afford the opportunity to develop and further strengthen business relationships.
Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) recently held a press event with lots of networking time included in the program.
The event was held at a very swanky hotel in Miami, FL.
There was plenty of “social” time to meet with key executives, one-on-one, away from competitive editors.
This is a good thing as it allows for getting exclusive industry information and insight.
Another nice thing about this DTNA press event - a most worthwhile gathering, was that the meeting started at a reasonable time. It began at 9:30 a.m., instead of the usual 7:30 a.m. starting time
That is particularly helpful when the networking runs into the late night hours.
Fashion sense
While in Miami, it soon became apparent to me that I am no fashion plate.
From what I observed, I have my own style, and it is anything but “current.”
(I think I had the only pair of wingtip shoes in all of Miami.)
I mentioned my concern about my attire to a colleague who reassured me: “You look fine. Just don’t ever wear anything that panics a cat.”