Something President Ronald Reagan once said has stuck with me: “We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”
I have a way for you to not only help someone, but help evolve professionalism in the fleet maintenance industry as well, and it requires only a small investment of your time and effort.
Get involved with the Fleet Maintenance/Kansas University Scholarship Program for the university’s Maintenance Management Online Certificate Course.
This annual program advances the cause of maintenance management.
Designed for all types of mobile fleets and maintenance environments, the course is an online program. So, there is flexible study time and work pace, and no travel related expenses.
Complete details about the Maintenance Management Online Certificate Course can be found on the KU Continuing Education’s website at
Make a difference
Supporting a scholarship program for deserving individuals in their next step in fleet maintenance management is a sound investment.
What’s more, supporting the annual Fleet Maintenance/Kansas University Scholarship Program is an opportunity for you to give back to the fleet maintenance industry, plus make a real difference in helping to further evolve professionalism within our industry.
And consider this: A person who receives a scholarship typically becomes a donor to a scholarship in the future.
Therefore, support of the scholarship program can establish a chain of philanthropy that extends for many, many years.
Action steps
Take a little time and nominate someone for a scholarship, become a program sponsor or doing both.
To qualify for the scholarship, a person must have, at a minimum, two years of work experience in fleet maintenance and aspire to a career in fleet maintenance management.
Nominations may come from anyone, including the scholarship candidate.
Nomination forms can be found at
The deadline for nominations is April 15, 2012. Ten full scholarships will be awarded.
Information on sponsorship opportunities can be found at
Remember: “We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”