Ever given any thought to what are your chances of being pulled over by law enforcement in a given year?
If you do get pulled over by an officer, have you wondered what the odds are you’ll be issued a citation?
Esurance, an online auto insurance company, has released some details about the odds of events happening on the road compared to other activities.
The company’s research shows that:
- The odds are 1 in 11.5 of being pulled over in a given year. That is about the same odds as pulling an ace out of a shuffled deck of cards.
- The probability of getting a ticket once you are pulled over is 1 in 1.8, which is less than the odds of correctly predicting the flip of a coin.
- The odds of getting into an accident while on a 1,000-mile road trip are 1 in 366. While that may seem high, the odds of dating a millionaire are 1 in 220.
From my own research, I have found that the odds of:
- Someone using a mobile device in a vehicle around you is 96.44 percent.
- That four-digit lottery game ticket you played coming in straight is 0.0147 percent.
May the odds be with you.