They have been used by the military to deliver death from the air and by law enforcement to observe people. Amazon, DHL and UPS are testing them to deliver packages.
Now, researchers are looking at how drones, formally called unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), might be used for traffic management and control.
Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have been studying the potential use of drones for traffic matters.
In the study, commissioned by the Georgia Department of Transportation, researchers have come up with numerous tasks drones could assist with. These include helping with traffic management, monitoring congested highways for backups, helping with accident investigations to clear roads faster and inspecting infrastructure, such as bridges, for damage.
The fact is, unmanned aircraft come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and serve diverse purposes.
So, don’t be surprised if someday you hear a lot of buzzing around your vehicle as you’re driving along minding your own business.