I had the opportunity to take part in PPG’s 2015 Spring MVP Business Solutions Conference, as both an attendee and as a presenter. It was held in Palm Desert, Calif.
The theme of the conference was: Turning industry challenges into extraordinary business opportunities.
Twice a year, PPG – which helps customers in industrial, transportation, consumer products, and construction markets and aftermarkets to enhance more surfaces in more ways than does any other company – holds a three-day gathering focused on helping companies involved in the collision repair industry improve their businesses and profitability.
Along with high-level keynote speakers, there are a variety of breakout sessions that feature seminars and workshops on the latest trends, concepts and ideas within today’s collision industry today. There are also particular events designed to promote networking, along with a special trade show.
I had been invited to conduct one of the breakout sessions. My seminar was on communication techniques to improve business relationships, which in turn, leads to additional success.
I have happy to report that my workshop was well received.
I can tell you that, like the fleet maintenance industry, collision repair has also evolved considerably with the incorporation of new technologies and techniques across all facets of that industry.
Like our industry, the collision repair industry faces some of the same challenges. Chief among these is finding, hiring and retaining qualified technicians.