Obviously, properly functioning brake systems are crucial to safe commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operation.
These systems are designed to hold up under tough conditions. However, they must be inspected and maintained carefully and consistently in order to operate and perform properly throughout the vehicle’s life.
Brake Safety Week is an annual outreach and enforcement campaign designed to improve commercial vehicle brake safety throughout North America. This year, the campaign is set for Sept. 6 to 12.
Brake Safety Week is part of the Operation Airbrake program sponsored by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).
During the week-long brake safety campaign, CMV inspectors will conduct brake system inspections on trucks and buses throughout North America to identify out-of-adjustment brakes and brake-system violations.
Brake-related violations comprise the largest percentage of all out-of-service violations cited during roadside inspections. Improperly installed or poorly maintained brake systems can reduce the braking capacity and stopping distance of trucks and buses, which poses a serious risk to driver and public safety.
Brake inspections
Brake inspections conducted during Brake Safety Week include inspection of brake-system components to identify loose or missing parts, air or hydraulic fluid leaks, worn linings, pads, drums or rotors and other faulty brake-system components. Antilock braking systems (ABS) malfunction indicator lamps also are checked.
Inspectors will inspect brake components and measure pushrod stroke when appropriate. Defective or out-of-adjustment brakes will result in the vehicle being placed out of service.
Click here to read more about the inspection procedure.
In addition to Brake Safety Week, CVSA also holds an unannounced brake inspection day each year in the spring.