Every year, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) conducts its annual International Roadcheck. It is the largest targeted enforcement program on commercial motor vehicles in the world, with nearly 15 trucks or buses – and their drivers – inspected, on average, every minute across North America during a 72-hour period.
An association comprised of local, state, provincial, territorial and federal commercial motor vehicle safety officials and industry representatives CVSA (cvsa.org) works to improve commercial motor vehicle safety and uniformity throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico by providing guidance and education to enforcement, industry and policy makers.
International Roadcheck 2017, the 30th annual, will take place June 6 to 8.
New Focus
Each year, the program places special emphasis on a category of violations. This year’s focus is cargo securement.
It should be noted that checking for compliance with safe cargo securement regulations is always part of roadside inspections.
Inspectors will primarily be conducting the North American Standard Level I Inspection – the most thorough roadside inspection. It is a 37-step procedure that includes an examination of both driver operating requirements and vehicle mechanical fitness.
During International Roadcheck 2016, 62,796 inspections were conducted, 42,236 of which were Level I inspections. Of those, 21.5 percent of vehicles and 3.4 percent of drivers were placed out of service due to critical item violations.
Of vehicles placed out of service, brake adjustment and brake system violations combined to represent 45.7 percent of out-of-service vehicle violations.
The top driver out-of-service violations were for hours of service and false logs, representing 46.8 percent and 16.4 percent, respectively, of all out-of-service driver violations found.
For more information about International Roadcheck, visit www.roadcheck.org.