Choosing the right wheel for a vehicle is extremely important. When it comes down to it there are two types of wheels to choose from: alloy wheels and steel wheels.
Each type of material has its advantages and disadvantages. From price to performance, this guide will compare the pros and cons of each type of wheel.
Alloy wheels pros and cons
If looking for wheels with style and performance, then buying alloy wheels is the route to go. Alloy wheels are more appealing to the eye than steel wheels and generally perform better than steel wheels.
There are a large variety of alloy wheels to choose from as they are cast into many different designs. Alloy wheels have more customization options available and more advanced styling for finishes than their steel counterparts.
Alloy wheels are much lighter than steel wheels, which allows them to operate at a higher performance in most conditions. Fuel economy is a big advantage of alloy wheels, especially in the city. With the lighter frame of alloy wheels, it will put less strain on the suspension of your car. This will also allow for faster acceleration.
The main disadvantage of alloy wheels is their durability. When impacted by the road, alloy wheels tend to bend and even crack more easily than tougher steel wheels. The aesthetic appearance of alloy wheels is also threatened as they are more easily prone to cosmetic damage.
Alloy wheels today are the standard wheels used for most cars do to their high-performance and appealing look. While they are more expensive than steel wheels, the majority of OEM wheels on the market are alloy wheels. This allows for a larger selection and more options.
Steel wheels pros and cons
For drivers looking for a cheaper more durable alternative, steel wheels are the way to go. Steel wheels are significantly stronger than alloy wheels making them the ideal choice for use in the Winter and for more powerful vehicles.
Unlike alloy wheels, durability is a major advantage when it comes to steel wheels. Cracking a steel wheel is nearly impossible and bending a steel wheel would require tremendous force. As long as you maintain the layer of paint on your wheel as needed, your steel wheels will not rust.
Cosmetic damage is not typically an issue with steel wheels as they naturally look rough and tough. This also makes it easier to repair a bent steel wheel since there is no fear of damaging the appearance. With tools, such as a hammer, you can easily revert your bent steel wheel back into shape.
Another advantage of steel wheels is the price. If the need arises to replace your steel wheel, the cost will be inexpensive compared to an alloy replacement. There are fewer options offered compared to the selection provided by alloy wheels, but steel wheels in general do not have an aesthetically pleasing look regardless. However, wheel covers are available in several styles to improve the look of your vehicle if desired.
The extra “unsprung weight” created from steel wheels can lower your vehicle’s center of gravity. This extra weight can decrease your vehicle’s agility and ability to accelerate. This can also put a strain on the suspension and other parts of your vehicle.
The extra weight of steel wheels is an advantage during the Winter months. The extra friction will help keep your vehicle from slipping on the ice and snow. For this reason, and for the purposes of preserving their alloy wheels in the best condition possible, many owners will switch to steel wheels when the weather outside turns bad.
Steel wheels offer little compatibility with vehicles not made for them. It is not recommended to use steel wheels on a vehicle that was made for use with alloy wheels. Additionally, steel wheels are limited in size as most are made with 16″ size rims or less. Thus, you cannot downsize to a set of steel wheels on high-performance vehicles and larger vehicles.
Information provided by Blackburn OEM Wheel Solutions.