The program measures the probability of cargo loss by assigning a score of 1 to 100, with 1 representing the least amount of risk and 100 at the most. Some factors Verisk takes into consideration include the vehicle’s cargo type, value, length of haul, origin, destination, day of the week, and the theft history of truck stops. As well as generating a safety score for routes, the model also notes the key variables that most influenced a particular score and provides a list of the riskiest truck stops along a given route.
Read more: Cargo theft prevention tips for 2024
There are various ways that fleets could respond to a high truck route risk score. For instance, of a route has a score of 98, the fleet could implement additional security for the driver, such as tracking devices, drier teams, relays, escorts, and securing parking spots ahead of time.
CargoNet RouteScore will be available in API format and will be able to integrate with other third-party transportation management systems. It will also be open for other platforms to leverage for their customers.