I was walking through a noisy manufacturing plant recently when a bright blue light caught my eye. It came from a forklift that was moving nearby, which I didn’t hear over the noise inside the plant.
That was the first time I ever saw a blue LED spot light on a forklift.
Upon investigation, I learned that blue forklift safety lights are the latest development to improve forklift safety.
I can tell you, the blue safety light is much more noticeable than the forklift strobe lights typically added to forklifts as standard equipment. Moreover, these lights enhance pedestrian safety in facilities where noise is an issue or where quieter electric forklifts are being utilized.
A Light Beam
The blue lights – which can be mounted on the top front or rear of a forklift – beam a bright blue spot on the ground to serve as an early warning of an approaching forklift truck, even around corners and in tight spaces with less than ideal visibility.
What’s more, with the LED technology, the lights are not sensitive to shaking or vibration.
Anything to improve forklift safety is a very good thing. Forklift accidents are one of the top 10 causes of work injuries and deaths in the U.S.