Dale Adams Enterprises

Kent, OH 44240


About Dale Adams Enterprises


315 Gougler St.
Kent, OH 44240

More Info on Dale Adams Enterprises


Daleadamsroughrider 10577363
Shop Equipment

Tail Bone Rough Rider mechanic's stool

Dec. 28, 2011
Dale Adams Enterprises' Tail Bone Rough Rider mechanic's stool features 5" diameter wheels to roll effortlessly over air hoses, drop cords and debris without tipping or flipping...
Daleadamstailbone 10577360
Shop Equipment

Tail Bone mechanic's stool

Dec. 17, 2009
Dale Adams Enterprises' Tail Bone mechanic's stool features 5" diameter wheels to roll effortlessly over air hoses, drop cords and debris without tipping or flipping. The base...
Creepersweeperreplacementcasters 10097302

Creeper Sweeper replacement casters

Feb. 26, 2008
The Creeper Sweeper replacement casters feature a built-in brush system that sweeps through debris to help stop wheel bind up. The new casters are available in 2 +" diameter and...

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