De Jaye Electronics

Des Moines, IA 50313


About De Jaye Electronics


1627 E. Madison
Des Moines, IA 50313

More Info on De Jaye Electronics


Djgasunit 10097318
Diagnostic & Repair

DJGAS unit

Feb. 26, 2008
Now available from DeJaye Electronics is their heavy-duty DJ5GAS Emissions Analyzer/Recorder for use with a personal computer. Features include:The ability to print or save emissions...
Dj5gasemissionsanalyzer 10126493
Diagnostic & Repair

DJ5GAS Emissions Analyzer

June 25, 2007
DJ5GAS from De Jaye Electronics is an Emissions Analyzer/Reporter for the PC. Fleet emissions test results can be printed and saved on the hard drive. The data logger can be programmed...

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