
Elkhart, IN 46154


About Actia


52765 Bridger Ct.
Elkhart, IN 46154

More Info on Actia


Endoscopeendomotor 10096463
Diagnostic & Repair

Endoscope Endomotor

Feb. 26, 2008
See Hidden Parts ACTIA introduces the endoscope Endomotor designed to view hidden vehicle parts without heavy dismantling. The unit has a flexible cable with CCD camera that displays...
Multidigplatform 10096465
Diagnostic & Repair

Multi-Di@g platform

Feb. 26, 2008
Actia offers their Multi-Di@g platform, which can be used with a personal computer for performing multimeter and lab scope-type functions, such as measuring and analyzing current...
Endomotor 10096467
Diagnostic & Repair


Feb. 26, 2008
Actia offers their Endomotor for accessing hard-to-reach areas without component disassembly. Features include:A flexible cable carrying a CCD camera with 3 optical nozzles (wide...
Bluetoothcapablebluepassthruxsdiagnostictool 10096469
Diagnostic & Repair

Bluetooth-capable Blue Passthru+XS diagnostic tool

Feb. 26, 2008
ACTIA offers their new Bluetooth-capable Blue Passthru+XS diagnostic tool for accessing ECU reprogramming information. The company feels this tool can provide independent shops...
Multiplexedsolidstatepowermanagementsystem 10127475
Battery & Electrical

Multiplexed Solid-State Power Management System

June 25, 2007
ACTIA's multiplexed solid-state power management system is designed for electrical management in all vehicle applications and is easily customized to any customer's specifications...


Adam Ramouni

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