Star EnviroTech

Huntington Beach, CA


About Star EnviroTech


Huntington Beach, CA

More Info on Star EnviroTech

STAR EnviroTech develops custom Diagnostic Smoke Technology found inside tools chosen by more leading automakers and sold by more leading tool manufacturers and distributors than any other.


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Star EnviroTech’s capless fuel neck adapter awarded patent

April 29, 2015
STAR EnviroTech’s double-door Capless Fuel Neck Adapter, which provides an OEM-quality fit for all new Ford and GM double-door capless fuel necks, was recently awarded U.S. Patent...
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Employees & Training

Star EnviroTech website

Feb. 26, 2008
STAR EnviroTech's new website,, has information on STAR's unique Diagnostic Smoke technology and lists manufacturers who license STAR's patented technology...
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Diagnostic & Repair

EVAP-approved diagnostic Smoke Technology

Feb. 26, 2008
STAR EnviroTech offers their exclusive EVAP-approved diagnostic Smoke Technology, which was developed in collaboration with Ford, GM and Chrysler. The company also states that...

Articles & News

The tech pumps the Redline Easy Intake to seal off the vehicles intake duct and to introduce smoke into the intake system. For more information, go to
Diagnostic & Repair

How to find vacuum leaks on a flex fuel vehicle

May 8, 2014
Pinpoint vacuum leaks on a 2004 Chevy Surburban 5.3L Flex Fuel vehicle.
EVAPro Model 2000E by Vacutec
Diagnostic & Repair

Tool Q&A: What to do with troublesome Toyota EVAP codes

April 2, 2014
Toyotas from 2000 to 2004 have different types of EVAP systems that complicate the diagnostic process.

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