Viking Blast and Wash Systems

Wichita, KS 67208


About Viking Blast and Wash Systems


3810 N. Toben
Wichita, KS 67208
United States

More Info on Viking Blast and Wash Systems


Model248cglassbeadblastingmachine 10126608
Shop Equipment

Model 248 ¨C Glass Bead Blasting Machine

June 25, 2007
Viking Blast and Wash Systems announces the release of their newest blaster, the Model 248. Glass bead blasting is useful for quickly cleaning and prepping the surfaces of metal...
Wh2600 10126774
Shop Equipment


June 25, 2007
Viking Blast ' Wash Systems announces the release of their newest wheel and rim blaster, the WH2600. The WH2600 removes paint and rust from wheels and rims for improved paint ...
Spinnerhangerthesh2560 10127149
Shop Equipment

Spinner Hanger, the SH 2560

June 25, 2007
Viking Blast ' Wash Systems announces the release of the improved Spinner Hanger, the SH 2560. This machine provides versatility in blasting a wide range of part sizes and shapes...
Model600rubberbeltblaster 10127225
Shop Equipment

Model 600 Rubber Belt Blaster

June 25, 2007
Viking Blast ' Wash Systems announces the release of their new and improved Model 600 Rubber Belt Blaster. The Model 600 has many features to help increase the machine's life ...


Kristen Knox

Marketing & Advertising

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