Henke Manufacturing Corp

Leavenworth, KS 66048


About Henke Manufacturing Corp


3070 Wilson Ave
Leavenworth, KS 66048
(888) 682-9010

More Info on Henke Manufacturing Corp

Manufacturer of snow removal equipment


Henke Snowgate with truck plow 57a2178a17e81
Trailers, Towing & Specialty


Aug. 2, 2016
The Henke Manufacturing Snow-Gate was designed for Class 8 trucks, allowing drivers to get up next to the curb. It is engineered to fit the contour of the moldboard and helps ...
Henkeparallelliftplow 10219443
Trailers, Towing & Specialty

Parallel Lift Plow

Jan. 19, 2011
Designed to remain parallel to the ground in transport or in angling positions, the Parallel Lift Plow from Henke can be completely removed from the truck hydraulically, leaving...
Fvx12foldingveeplow 10129313
Trailers, Towing & Specialty

FVX-12 Folding Vee Plow

Oct. 15, 2007
Henke Manufacturing's popular folding vee snowplow is now available for mid and heavy duty trucks. The Henke FVX-12 folding vee snowplow can do it all: adjust to scoop, discharge...

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