Hauler Racks

Minneapolis, MN 55427


About Hauler Racks


7109 31st Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55427

More Info on Hauler Racks

Hauler Racks, Inc, manufacturers many types of pickup truck racks, universal van racks
and camper shell racks, along with cap racks and topper racks. When you include
our universal tonneau cover racks, service body and utility body racks, we
manufacture more racks than anyone else. We also now manufacture econo and economy
pickup truck, cap, and van racks. Check out our lumber racks, ladder racks,
truck side ladder racks, contractor racks, and steel truck and van racks, too.
Add ProRac Systems lifestyle racks, roof racks, truck tonneau racks and
we have what you need!


Universalaluminumtruckrack 10131028
Trailers, Towing & Specialty

Universal Aluminum Truck Rack

Dec. 30, 2009
Hauler Racks' Universal Aluminum Econo Truck Rack features bright dipped anodized aluminum construction and an 800-pound load capacity. The rack mounts directly to the truck bed...


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