Worx Performance Gloves Inc.

Van Nuys, CA 91406


About Worx Performance Gloves Inc.


7702 Balboa Blvd, #5
Van Nuys, CA 91406
United States

More Info on Worx Performance Gloves Inc.

Worx Performance latex and nitrile reusable and disposable gloves are the choice where your health, safety and cleanliness are important. Latex allergies? Nitrile gloves are a dependable substitute for traditional rubber type glove products. Contact us today to learn more about our products and their innovative packaging.


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Shop Safety

Worx Gloves

April 7, 2016
The Worx Gloves, available in two different options, offer chemical protection for users. The 8mil powder-free 10" nitrile glove offers puncture resistance for jobs that require...
Can 542b05c0a1abf
Shop Safety

Line of Industrial Wipes and Disposable Gloves

Jan. 6, 2012
The Worx Industrial Solutions Line of Industrial Wipes and Disposable Gloves are designed to deliver performance, efficiency, reduced turn-around time, while also meeting the ...

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