Kinetik Tools Inc.

City of Industry, CA 91746


About Kinetik Tools Inc.


15432 Valley Blvd
City of Industry, CA 91746
United States

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Bmw1512 583cad84e1eb4

BMW Front Crank Seal Tools, No BMW 1512

Jan. 23, 2017
Kinetik BMW Front Crank Seal Tools, No. BMW 1512, are used to loosen seals for the removal and installation of new front crankshaft seals. For use with BMW N40, N42, N45T, N46...
Toy1335 Ab 583d8ce3caca8

Toyota Lexus Oil Filter Wrench, No TOY1335-AB

Dec. 14, 2016
The Kinetik Toyota Lexus Oil Filter Wrench, No. TOY1335-AB, will never break, according to the company. The wrench is 64mm, with 14 points and 1/2” drive. It is designed for use...
M52tu 11152491

M52TU Kit

Sept. 17, 2013
The Kinetik Tools M52TU Kit allows technicians to set the timing on single and double Vanos 6-cylinder BMW models, including: M42, M44, M50, M52TU, M54 and M56 models. The kit...

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