Koul Tools

Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406


About Koul Tools


2447 Wood Lane
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406

More Info on Koul Tools


Ez On Hose Press

EZ-ON Hose Press, No. 409B

July 30, 2018
The Koul Tools EZ-ON Hose Press, No. 409B, is designed to be lightweight and efficient. This product features thrust and ball bearings for smooth operation, a drive screw and ...
Fitting Fixer Four Pack

Fitting Fixer

May 22, 2018
The Koul Tools Fitting Fixer utilizes an inverted cone with diamond-dust coated lapping material to repair the conical sealing surface on 37 degree fittings. This tool helps fix...
EZ ON Hose Press from Koul Tools 57754e0b5bf13

EZ-ON Hose Press

June 28, 2016
The EZ-ON Hose Press from Koul Tools is designed to be fast and portable, and it assembles both straight and angled push-lock fittings. The user simply clamps the fitting into...

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