GM Stuck Spare Tire Release Kit, No. THX805

The Thexton Manufacturing GM Stuck Spare Tire Release Kit, No. THX805, can release the secondary latch on most GM trucks and SUVs from 2002-2012. This latch commonly rusts or freezes due to its exterior locations, preventing the tire from lowering. Some technicians have tried cutting the cable to release the tire. This results in the tire still being stuck and the tire holding assembly to be replaced. This tool saves the techs time and money by preventing unneeded towing and making releasing the spare tire simple. The longer tool (805-1) is made of steel, and weighs 3.65 lbs. The shorter tool (805-2) is made of aluminum, and weighs 0.35 lbs. The 805-2 tool is great for GM techs that have the vehicle up on the lift and don’t want to position a jack under the spare tire to release the secondary latch like it mentions to do in the owner’s manuals. Made in U.S.A.

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