Photo: Trimble Transportation
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The 3G sunset begins

Feb. 22, 2022
3G networks are shutting down, rendering mobile devices—and ELDs—that rely on 3G network connectivity non-compliant with technical specifications in the ELD rule.

Mobile carriers are shutting down their 3G networks. As a result, many older cell phones and other mobile devices will be unable to use data services. This may impact motor carriers if their ELDs rely on a 3G network to record hours of service (HOS) data and transfer it to a safety official.

The first announced 3G sunset date is February 22, when AT&T will complete the shutdown of its 3G network.

Any ELD that requires 3G cellular connectivity to perform its functionality will no longer be in compliance with the technical specifications in the ELD rule after the 3G network it relies on is sunset. When in an area that does not support 3G, a 3G device will register a malfunction. In accordance with 49 CFR 395.34, the carrier has eight days to get the malfunction resolved, in this case by replacement, unless an extension is granted.

What actions do motor carriers need to take now?

  • Confirm whether your ELD relies on a 3G network
    • If you are unsure if your ELD relies on a 3G network, contact your ELD provider. If your ELD does not rely on 3G, and meets all minimum requirements, no further action is needed.
  • Ask your provider for their upgrade or replacement plan
    • If your ELD relies on a 3G network, ask your ELD provider about their plan for upgrading or replacing your device to one that will be supported after the 3G sunset, and to complete the necessary actions as soon as possible.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) strongly encourages motor carriers to take the above actions as soon as possible to avoid compliance issues. See the announced dates listed below and plan accordingly to avoid service disruptions and compliance issues. Note that portions of carrier 3G networks will be unsupported in advance of the announced sunset dates.

See also: 3G sunset isn’t just about ELDs

3G sunset dates

The announced sunset dates are below*. These are dates for completing the shutdowns. Mobile carriers are planning to retire parts of their networks sooner.

  • AT&T 3G: February 22
  • Sprint 3G (T-Mobile): March 31
  • Sprint LTE (T-Mobile): June 30
  • T-Mobile 3G: July 1
  • Verizon 3G: December 31

Note: Many carriers, such as Cricket, Boost, Straight Talk, and several Lifeline mobile service providers, utilize the AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile networks.

*Sunset dates are subject to change. Contact your mobile carrier for up-to-date information.

About the Author

Fleet Maintenance staff

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