Truck crashes, flying cars, cows...Why are these topics interesting?
All of us editors within the group exist to help readers do their job better. As part of our jobs we collect and share content that we deem important, especially through our e-newsletters.
Reader research has told us that safety and security are at the top of our readers' minds.
Because of this, content has changed recently and while well-read, has not been easy for every reader to accept. Change never is easy.
What we editors want to figure out is what you want to read about and why some of the items in our e-newsletters have been getting the response that they have.
Since June, here are the top five most popular e-newsletter articles:
- Semi's "dualie" wheel kills two teens
- Cow's trailer top ride turns heads
- Auto shop accident kills Independence, Mo. man
- Flying car to be road tested
- Real-world EVAP: How to diagnose a P0455 code
What's your opinion on this top five? Do we want to see more articles like the EVAP one, more flying cows and crashing trucks, or a mix between the two? Why?
Please add comments below and vote here.