When a hurricane moves toward the U.S., be sure to track its path at the National Hurricane Center website, advise officials with Zurich Insurance Group, a leading multi-line insurer that serves its customers in global and local markets.
“A hurricane watch is issued 48 hours before a hurricane is expected to affect your location,” note Zurich’s risk engineers. That is the time to implement the “easy” actions they have identified:
- Check building roofs and repair coverings and flashing as needed.
- Remove loose equipment and debris from roofs.
- Fill fuel tanks serving emergency generators and other vital services.
- Verify dewatering pumps are in service and working.
- Verify outside drains and catch basins are clean.
- Remove debris from outdoor areas.
- Remove loose, outdoor, inactive equipment.
- Back up computer data.
- Add specific actions to this list, based on the unique needs of your business.
Zurich’s downloadable guide to starting a hurricane emergency action plan can be found online here.