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Leverage a broader solution platform for ELD compliance

Oct. 5, 2016
The due diligence process to select the right ELD solution and provider presents a unique opportunity to evaluate the capability of the technology solution in its entirety.

As you consider various options for satisfying the ELD mandate, are you thinking about opportunities to maximize your investment by ensuring the technology platform provides other essential functions?

The due diligence process to select the right ELD solution and provider presents a unique opportunity to evaluate the capability of the technology solution in its entirety. In particular, exploring whether it can, or has the potential to, provide a number of key features that satisfy your compliance and commercial needs is a challenging consideration. Capturing data and analysis to monitor driver performance, maintain your fleet, record accurate distance to simplify tax reporting, document and maximize your fuel efficiency are some things to consider. Beyond the investment of an ELD, layering these additional benefits incrementally can be cost and operationally effective.

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