DJ Products

Little Falls, MN 56345


About DJ Products


1109 4th St
Little Falls, MN 56345

More Info on DJ Products

DJ Products manufactures and distributes battery-powered car, truck, trailer, and equipment moving solutions allowing one person to safely and easily maneuver vehicles and trucks in and out of service centers or testing facilities, trailers around manufacturing docks/lots, and heavy shop equipment around auto shops. Their solutions promote employee safety, increase efficiency, and streamline operations.


Truck Caddy Truck Pusher
Shop Equipment

TruckCaddy Truck Pusher

June 23, 2020
The DJ Products TruckCaddy Truck Pusher easily pushes and pulls heavy commercial trucks, buses, garbage trucks, or firetrucks up to 50,000 lbs across parking lots and into service...
Car Caddy Vp6 K
Shop Equipment

CarCaddy Vehicle Puller 6K

June 23, 2020
The DJ Products CarCaddy Vehicle Puller 6K is specifically designed to pull vehicles easily, safely, and efficiently without causing damage to the bumper or body of the vehicle...
Trailer Caddy Terminal Tractor 30k Updated
Trailers, Towing & Specialty

TrailerCaddy Terminal Tractor

Jan. 30, 2017
The DJ Products TrailerCaddy Terminal Tractor is designed for one person to relocate trailers at manufacturing centers, warehouses, tightly stacked lots, and in or out of dock...
Djproductsdealercaddy 10450382
Shop Equipment

Dealer Caddy

Nov. 14, 2011
DJ Products introduces the DealerCaddy, a multi-use unit designed for pushing stalled vehicles into/out of service bays, pulling utility and cargo trailers, and hauling tools ...
Carcaddybatterypoweredpusher 10102039
Shop Equipment

CarCaddy Car Pusher

July 2, 2008
The CarCaddy Car Pusher from DJ Products is battery powered and is designed to push cars and vehicles that have pneumatic tires, such as cars, trucks, campers, and buses. It can...



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