LCD, Inc.

Addison, TX 75001


About LCD, Inc.


4402 Sunbelt Dr
Addison, TX 75001
United States

More Info on LCD, Inc.

We are introducing the top two antioxidants for use in any type of motor oil and in gas or diesel and even biodiesel. These products have gained the respect of numerous triboligist and oil analysis experts in the automotive industry. FP60 not only liquifies carbon and varnish, but it also lubricates vital fuel system components. FP60 works great in gas or diesel applications. FP60 not only dissolves buildup, but it also treats the fuel itself to help prevent carbon deposits from forming. LC20 reduces oxidation and nitration in all motor oils and allows for extended oil change intervals. To truly understand what these products do you must read 3rd party comments. Please take time to read the top oil and lubrication website on the web and see for yourself.


Dieselandoiladditives 10129781
Fluids & Chemicals

Diesel and Oil Additives

Aug. 11, 2008
Want to save thousands of $$$ per truck? Our customers have seen improved MPG, extended oil life and reduced emissions. LCD's diesel and oil additives can clean, lubricate and...
Fp60fueltreatmentandlc20oilantioxidant 10127393
Fluids & Chemicals

FP60 Fuel Treatment and LC20 Oil Antioxidant

June 25, 2007
LCD INC is proud to introduce FP60 fuel treatment and LC20 an oil antioxidant. FP60 and LC20 have shown, through used oil analysis, to reduce oxidation, nitration, water, and ...


Jeff Edwards


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