NAFA Fleet Management Association

Princeton, NJ 8540


About NAFA Fleet Management Association


125 Village Blvd Suite 200
Princeton Forrestal Village
Princeton, NJ 8540

More Info on NAFA Fleet Management Association

NAFA is the world’s premier non-profit association for professionals who manage fleets of sedans, public safety vehicles, trucks, and buses of all types and sizes, and a wide range of military and off-road equipment for organizations across the globe. NAFA is the association for the diverse vehicle fleet management profession regardless of organizational type, geographic location or fleet composition. NAFA’s Full and Associate Members are responsible for the specification, acquisition, maintenance and repair, fueling, risk management, and remarketing of more than 3.5 million vehicles including in excess of 1.1 million trucks of which 350 thousand are medium- and heavy-duty trucks.


Photo courtesy of NAFA
Bill Schankel, CAE, CEO of NAFA Fleet Management Association.
Industry News

NAFA announces new CEO

April 30, 2020
Bill Schankel, CAE, has been named CEO of NAFA Fleet Management Association after serving as interim CEO since August 2019.

Articles & News

Through a lifecycle cost analysis, the optimum economic life of a vehicle can be predicted by taking into account both fixed and operating costs over its entire useful life, based upon mileage or age of vehicle.
Shop Management

The benefits from lifecycle cost analysis

July 9, 2015
How a lifecycle cost analysis can improve decision making.

Videos & Resources

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Shop Management

Fleet management and the connected vehicle

Oct. 11, 2016
This document provides recommendations from NAFA Fleet Management Association (NAFA), for consideration by policymakers, fleet managers, OEMs, vendors and the auto care industry...

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All content from NAFA Fleet Management Association

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Employees & Training

Online CAFM Boot Camp opens doors between students and training

Oct. 23, 2015
According to the NAFA Fleet Management Association, shrinking travel budgets and increasing responsibilities can create barriers that make it difficult to get out to Certified...