The Busted Knuckle Garage

Prescott, AZ 86301


About The Busted Knuckle Garage


697 Sixth St, Suite 100-101
Prescott, AZ 86301
United States

More Info on The Busted Knuckle Garage

A division of Almost There! Inc. 


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Magnetic Finger

March 19, 2012
The Busted Knuckle Garage Magnetic Finger a snug and stretchy glove slips on an index finger and turns it into a professional tool. The powerful magnet at the fingertip allows...
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Fluids & Chemicals

The Busted Knuckle Garage Mechanic's Lip Balm/Hand Salve

April 14, 2011
The Busted Knuckle Garage, a brand of Almost There! Inc., introduces another hands-on essential for mechanics: The Busted Knuckle Garage Mechanic’s Lip Balm/Hand Salve. With its...

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