With the emergence of more technically advanced vehicles, including the new aluminum-intensive 2015 Ford F-150 State Farm and I-CAR, the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair, announced that more than 2,700 State Farm Auto Physical Damage Appraisers (ADPAs) have completed the I-CAR 2015 Ford F-150 Structural Repair course (FOR06).
“The all-new 2015 Ford F-150 is a significant milestone in the collision repair industry, and in order for State Farm to be well-prepared for this aluminum-intensive vehicle, it is important for our staff to learn firsthand about its repairability before the vehicle even hits showrooms,” said Chris Evans, claim consultant, State Farm. “This initiative, coupled with our Select Service Welding Training & Certification program, allows State Farm to continue to support quality repairs to its policyholders, even as technologically advanced vehicles become more popular.”
State Farm originally sought to train 2,400 ADPAs, including Auto Estimatics Inspectors and Property Claim Trainers. Currently, more than 2,700 ADPAs have completed the course, far exceeding State Farm’s expectations. The FOR06 course is a robust training program to properly and efficiently repair the new F-150 vehicle. The course covers all topics on aluminum and vehicle-specific repair information with instructor-led discussion, education and decision-making exercises. The aluminum-body 2015 Ford F-150 is expected to go on sale later this year.
“Every year roughly 75 new vehicles and/or major engineering changes on current vehicles are introduced by OEMs. The 2015 Ford F-150 is a great example of this, and it will have a transformative impact on the collision repair industry. State Farm’s initiative is an example of what our industry needs to do for this vehicle, and those that will follow, to be truly prepared,” said John Van Alstyne, CEO & President, I-CAR. “This initiative will not only allow State Farm to work more collaboratively with collision repair facilities, it will also support performance of complete, safe and quality repairs for the ultimate benefit of the consumer.”
In January, 2014, State Farm and I-CAR encouraged all of State Farm’s Select Service® repairers to participate in I-CAR’s Welding Training & Certification program throughout 2014. This initiative offers these repairers the opportunity to easily register for welding training at newly reduced price levels. Since January of 2014, 1,650 Select Service shops have gained welding certification, bringing the total number of trained Select Service shops to just over 5,000.
To learn more about or to register for the FOR06 course or any of I-CAR’s Welding Certification courses, visit www.i-car.com.