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How will the increasing complexity of vehicles impact the automotive aftermarket?

June 27, 2017
This whitepaper provides details on telematics, advanced driver assistance systems, next-generation exhaust systems, turbo engines, 48V electrical systems, P2 hybrids, and more.

This whitepaper, prepared and organized by Martec on behalf of the Equipment and Tool Institute (ETI), addresses how the increasing complexity of vehicles will impact the automotive aftermarket. Specifically, management is interested in developing a thought-leader position on this topic, that will impress upon its members the value of ETI as an organization, and encourage further involvement by equipment suppliers.

This whitepaper provides details on the following items: software and telematics, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), next-generation exhaust systems, turbo engines, 48V electrical systems, P2 hybrids, fuel tank advancements, vehicle wiring advancements, 10-speed transmissions, and next-generation ignition systems.