Drips, Drops and Spills: Utilizing Workflows for Spill Management

May 17, 2012
With 3,400 spills per year, including all drips and drops, the utility profiled used to track all spills in a database before transitioning to use the Enviance workflow tool for tracking spills.

With some states requiring utilities to report the spill of any material regardless of size, companies large and small can get fined – significant fines depending on the type and recurrence of spills. But by using workflows within Environmental Management Information systems, utilities can streamline the documentation and reporting processes and push information directly to the people responsible for action and decision-making. This white paper highlights how one major utility overcame spill management reporting obstacles by developing a highly efficient workflow process.

To read this full whitepaper, click "Download Whitepaper" link at the beginning of this article.

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