American Automobile Association (AAA)

Chicago, IL 60504


About American Automobile Association (AAA)


975 Meridian Lake Drive
Chicago, IL 60504
United States

More Info on American Automobile Association (AAA)

AAA was founded over 100 years ago for the purpose of lobbying for driver and passenger rights, fair laws and safer vehicles — all to better promote the love of the open road and the adventure of driving. Since then, AAA has grown to over 50 million members strong, while providing valuable membership services such as roadside assistance. Additionally, AAA has broadened its horizons to include all types of travel-related services, as well as offer a variety of insurance and financial products and services.

Today’s AAA is a national federation comprised of more than 50 individual clubs throughout the United States and Canada. Whether you’re traveling around the world or to the corner grocery store, planning a honeymoon or weekend road trip, learning to drive or in need of a battery boost, the best way to begin your journey is with AAA.


Green Car Guide Social Anxiety Blank
Emissions & Efficiency

One in five U.S. drivers want an electric vehicle, survey finds

May 8, 2018
An AAA survey shows that 20 percent or 50 million Americans will likely go electric for their next vehicle purchase, up from 15 percent in 2017.
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Industry News

Americans still wary of self-driving cars, AAA study finds

April 19, 2017
In 2016, a AAA survey found that three-quarters of Americans reported feeling afraid to ride in a self-driving car. One year later, that fear is unchanged.
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Industry News

Most U.S. drivers don't trust auto repair shops, a AAA survey finds

Dec. 6, 2016
The survey also reveals that the majority (64 percent) of U.S. drivers have singled out an auto repair shop that they do trust, suggesting that consumers have prioritized finding...
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Drivers waste $2.1 billion on premium gasoline, according to AAA research

Sept. 20, 2016
AAA testing shows no benefit to splurging on premium fuel when not required by the manufacturer.

Articles & News

Elliot Maras
Shop Management

Las Vegas shows present game-changing technologies

Dec. 4, 2013
Innovations in vehicle technology and tool/equipment technology challenge the aftermarket like never before.
Greg Brannon of AAA thinks driverless cars will emerge faster than telematics has in the automotive industry.
Safety & Technology

Connected, driverless cars coming soon, AAA official tells NASTF

Nov. 7, 2013
Driverless cars to be half of U.S. cars in 2025, speaker claims.

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All content from American Automobile Association (AAA)