Tire Pressure Management White Paper Pg 1 56b9125b6164e

Optimized tire-pressure management

Feb. 8, 2016
Solutions to increase safety, reduce costs for fleets and support evolving fuel economy regulations

According to a 2012 report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), underinflation is the leading cause of tire failure. Under any circumstances, proper tire inflation is one challenge for fleet owners and operators that has proven far too important to ignore.

Data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration shows tires as a leading factor contributing to crashes involving commercial vehicles. Despite known statistics about the dangers, a 2010 Technology and Maintenance Council report on tire pressure and inflation states that tires and wheels are still the second leading cause of roadside inspection citations. That same study also notes that for fleets, tires represent the second highest vehicle operating cost, and tire inflation is the No. 1 maintenance challenge. With the risk for dangerous blowouts and costs associated with underoptimized tires, fleet managers could gain major benefits from a reliable, comprehensive tire-pressure management system.

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