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How the rise of autonomous trucks could impact the future

Dec. 7, 2017
Autonomous trucks would be on the road longer and, in theory, require less time at their destination due to automated warehouses.

With approximately 70 percent of goods delivered via long-haul commercial trucks (a gap that is expected to widen in the future), the introduction of autonomous long-haul trucks would be a welcomed addition to an industry that is struggling from a shortage of drivers. 

While current trucking methods require drivers to stop and rest when traveling long distances, an autonomous truck could operate continuously between delivery routes, resulting in a more efficient fulfillment cycle and faster delivery times. Autonomous trucks would be on the road longer and, in theory, require less time at their destination due to automated warehouses, reducing the need for large truck courts in loading facilities.

Download this Whitepaper to read more of this report by Transwestern. The report covers other sectors of real estate.